Leibniz Universität Hannover and the House of Insurance provide an excellent environment for students interested in actuarial science. Both in academia and in business, such a specialization offers a wide range of opportunities.
As part of the university program, you can complete parts of the training of the German Actuarial Association (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung - DAV) to become an actuary. We cover the following subjects at the House of Insurance:
- Wirtschaftliches und rechtliches Umfeld - Economic and Legal Environment
The course Ausbildung zum Aktuar - Wirtschaftliches und rechtliches Umfeld is offered each summer semester.
- Angewandte Stochastik - Applied Stochastics
This DAV-module comprises three lecture: Actuarial Mathematics I and Quantitative Risk Management are taught in the winter, Stochastic Simulation is taught in the summer. In addition, demonstrated knowledge of both Stochastics 1 & 2 is required.
- Finanzmathematik und Risikobewertung - Financial Mathematics and Risk Assessment
The lecture Financial Mathematics in Discrete Time is offered each summer semester.
- Versicherungsmathematik - Actuarial Mathematics
This DAV-module comprises two lectures: Actuarial Mathematics I taught in the winter, and Actuarial Mathematics II taught in the summer. As part of the lectures, sessions are offered by experts from the field. Participation in these is a prerequisite for credit towards the DAV training program.
- Modellierung und ERM - Modelling and ERM
The lecture Quantitative Risk Management is offered each winter semester. In addition, for this DAV-module students are required to pass a brief oral exam on the document Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e. V. (2018): Leitfaden für das Grundwissen, Modellierung und Enterprise Risk Management.
- Unternehmenssteuerung - Corporate Management
The course Ausbildung zum Aktuar (DAV) - Rechnungslegung und Unternehmenssteuerung is offered each winter semester.